Remedium Lifecare Announces 3:1 Bonus Shares: Key Dates and Details

Remedium Lifecare

Remedium Lifecare Limited has announced the issuance of bonus shares to its eligible shareholders, offering 3 bonus shares for every 1 share held. This is the second bonus share issuance within a year.

Key Details:

Issuance Ratio: 3 bonus shares for every 1 existing share.
Record Date: July 6, 2024.
Previous Issuance: On July 28, 2023, shares were traded ‘ex-bonus’ in a 9:5 ratio.
Approval: Subject to approval at the Annual General Meeting and by relevant authorities.
Entitlements: Bonus shares will rank pari-passu with existing shares and carry the same rights, including participation in dividends and corporate actions.

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